Preview 1: “Why the Law, Laura?”

As we launch the TendingBar podcasting project, our aim is to explore the higher, better spirit within the legal profession.  What motivates lawyers to pursue legal careers?  What is their sense of service to the broader community?    In this short audio-only preview, we asked one simple question:  “Why do you want to be a lawyer”?

Laura Wiley is an all-star associate in the Northern Virginia office of Womble Bond Dickinson.  She was kind enough to talk with TendingBar about her journey from an initial interest in studying law, but not practicing law, through the struggles faced by every BigLaw associate, to a perspective today where lawyering has helped to shape the person she’s become.

In this short trailer for Season 1, you’ll hear Laura tell some of her story, and we’ll describe our vision for TendingBar.

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